Equality: Anti-Racism

Promoting Equality in Education

National EIS BAME Network Meeting – Tuesday 21st May 2024, 4.30pm – 6.00pm – Held online

4:30pm – Welcome, Agenda and general equalities updates including EIS Anti-Racism Work

4:45pm – Talk by Rowena Arshad

4:55pm – Talk by Khadija Mohammad

5:05pm – Talk by participants of Our Voices in Union Leadership Course

6:15pm – Opportunity for attendees to share, discuss, celebrate areas of work: Is there anything they’d like to share? Anything upcoming? Any questions people from the BAME network have to contributors or EIS Nationally or to each other?

6:55pm – Round up and OOB

The meeting will provide an opportunity for new members to meet others in the Network, and for us to share updates on the current EIS work on equality issues.

The meeting will feature a session on EIS decision making structures and having your voices heard within the Union, and a discussion about access to progression and promotion for our BAME members.

We hope you will be available to join us on 21st May. Please register your interest in attending by completing the online booking form. If you have any questions, please contact Ayumi at achristoph@eis.org.uk

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